Meridian makes it easy to create new documents either from templates or from existing files.
To create a new document from a template:
Select a template from Document template and click Next. Any property pages assigned to the document type for new documents appear.
The default values of the properties on these pages are the names of the corresponding folders in the path that you right-clicked.
The new document is created in the current folder or, if its location is controlled by the vault’s Field-Path definition, it is created in that folder. The configured document type workflow (if any) is started and the document’s General property page appears.
To create a new document from a template:
Begin with one of the following steps:
If the document type you selected has property pages associated with it, they will appear for you to type any known information. Complete each property page and click Next or Finish. A new document is created in the current folder or in the folder calculated by the Field-Path definition of the vault configuration.
The default values of the properties on these pages are the names of the corresponding folders in the path that you right-clicked.
If the document type you selected performs automatic document naming, Meridian assigns a calculated name. If not, a default document name is assigned that you may overwrite with any name you want.
Note Document names that begin with a period are not allowed although periods may be used elsewhere in the name.